Mohammad Saifuddin Sairin

Changing AS205984 website info that I no longer own.

Several years ago, I owned an ASN space, specifically AS205984, from RIPE. I utilised this for experimenting with BGP, using IPv6 for routing, with Vultr as the server provider and several other small companies providing cheap VPS that supports BYOIP space. I used Tinc and BIRD for networking and BGP. Long story short, a discussion on the front page of Hacker News about BGP.Tools reminded me of my old ASN, and I was curious to check it out.

To my surprise, it appears that my website is still listed as the AS owner's website this entire time! I have forgotten much about the BGP/ASN thingy, and a quick check on RIPE DB doesn't show the website details and the ownership info is all up to date. I tried to remember where else the "website" data is populated from, as I know that the info comes from various places such as the Internet Routing Registry (IRR) like RADB but still, the website data is not there. Then I remembered PeeringDB, and it looks like old details were still kept intact. I can confirm now that this is indeed the source of the "website" data, and I'm just curious what I can do with this...

Update 2/7/2023

Out of curiosity as to why my website was still displayed in the ASN info, I decided to conduct a small experiment as I still had access to PeeringDB. I changed the 'company website' field to a new value, replacing my original website. Within 24 hours, the updates were detected by BGP.Tools, and subsequently by HE. Interestingly, this means I can freely manipulate the ASN website details to my liking. This is essentially a form of disinformation attack towards the legit ASN owner. Although this manipulation is a high-level activity that might only be noticeable or impactful to those with specialised knowledge, and it doesn't affect the infrastructure or operation, it does have the potential to create misleading information about the ASN. This could be particularly problematic for those who rely on these major aggregators for accurate information.